旅遊英語-Going to the Cinema 看電影.jpg

Key Sentences(重點句子)


1. Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not?



2. They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda .



3. I've already got the tickets reserved at the box office .



4. You just wait for me in your place,and I'll come and pick you up at 6:30.



5. Thank you very much for inviting me .



6. Let's hope the movie's good .



7. What else is on the program?





8. I suppose there's the usual cartoon .



9. The critics in Times said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining .



10. We'll have a better idea after seeing it ourselves,don't you think so?



11. What did the review say about the movie?



12. Sh!We'd better stop annoying people around us .


旅遊英語-Going to the Cinema 看電影-電影.jpg

Dialogue A (對話 A )


A:Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not?


B:It's a new one, I suppose?


A:You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.


B:Good, Fonda's my favorite star. I must go and see it.

(B:好,方達是我最喜歡的明星。 我必須去看看。)

A:I've already got the tickets reserved at the box office. You just wait for me in your place, and I'll come and pick you up at 6:30.

(B:我已經在票房保留了票。 你只要在你的地方等我,我會在6點半來接你。)

B:Thank you very much for inviting me. I'll be expecting you.

(B:非常感謝你邀請我。 我會期待你來。)


Dialogue B (對話 B )


A:Did you see the dirty look the usher gave us when we rushed past him down the aisle?


B:Well, who cares? Let's hope the movie's good.


A:What else is on the program?


B:I suppose there's the usual cartoon.



A:What did the review say about the movie?


B:Not too bad. The critics in Times said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining. The Daily News gave it three stars.

(B:不錯 “時代”評論家表示,這是相當多彩和有趣的。 “每日新聞”給了它三顆星。)

A:But mind you, you can't always rely on the reviews. We'll have a better idea after seeing it ourselves, don't you think so?

(A:但是請記住,你不能總是依靠評論。 看到以後我們自己會有更好的主意,你不這麼認為嗎?)

B:Yes,I guess you're right. Well, these seats aren't bad,are they? We're pretty lucky, after all.


A:Sh!We'd better stop annoying people around us.


B:Sorry, I didn't realize I was talking so loudly.


旅遊英語-Going to the Cinema 看電影-box office.jpg



heroine n .女主角

box office 票房

usher n .引座員

cartoon n .動畫片

entertaining a .有趣的;使人娛樂的

annoy vt .使煩惱;打攪



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