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South Korea ' s former president Park Geun - hyehas been charged with bribery and abuse of power ,a month after she was ousted from office over acorruption scandal that has rocked the country formonths .

韓國前總統朴槿惠( Park Geun - hye )被控受賄和濫用職權。一個月前,朴槿惠因一宗衝擊韓國數月的腐敗醜聞而遭到彈劾。

Ms Park is facing 14 charges that accuse her ofallowing now - jailed confidante Choi Soon - sil togain unauthorised access to classified documents ,while allegedly colluding to extort $70 m from businesses for two foundations in effect underChoi ' s control .

朴槿惠面臨14項指控,包括允許現已入獄的密友崔順實( Choi Soon - sil )在未經授權的情況下接觸機密文件,以及涉嫌合謀為兩家由崔順實實際控制的基金會從企業敲詐7000萬美元。

“ We ' ve made our utmost efforts to get to the bottom of the case ,” the prosecutors saidyesterday , announcing their indictment of Ms Park .



The move is the latest humiliation for the disgraced former president , who was ousted inMarch after months of street protests . The constitutional court upheld a parliamentaryimpeachment vote from December .


Ms Park became the country ' s third president to be indicted by prosecutors after the formermilitary dictators Chun Doo - hwan and Roh Tae - woo were jailed on corruption and mutinycharges in the mid -1990 s . Ms Park , the daughter of former South Korean President ParkChung Hee , has denied any wrongdoing , saying that “ the truth will be definitely unearthed ”.

朴槿惠成為了第三位被檢方提起公訴的韓國總統。上世紀90年代中期,前軍事獨裁者全斗煥( Chun Doo -hwan )和盧泰愚( Roh Tae - woo )因腐敗和叛亂指控而被判入獄。身為韓國前總統朴正熙( Park ChungHee )之女的朴槿惠,否認有任何不當行為,稱「真相必然會水落石出」。

She was arrested late last month and remains in state custody . Prosecutors have questionedher six times at a detention facility near Seoul .


Her criminal trial is expected to start in a few weeks and could take up to six months . Ifconvicted , Ms Park could spend the rest of her life in jail , but talk of obtaining a pardon fromthe country ' s next leader has already become a hot topic among presidential candidates .



Her dismissal has left South Korea in the hands of Prime Minister Hwang Kyo - ahn ahead ofthe presidential election pencilled in for May 9. The official campaign period began yesterday ,with Moon Jae - in , the runner - up to Ms Park in 2012, leading in opinion polls , ahead ofcentrist Ahn Cheol - soo .

朴槿惠被彈劾下台後,韓國暫時由總理黃教安( Hwang Kyo - ahn )領導,直到5月9日舉行總統大選。官方競選期於昨天開始,曾在2012年與朴槿惠競選總統之位的文在寅( Moon Jae - in )目前在民調中領先,其支持率高於中間立場的安哲秀( Ahn Cheol - soo ) 。

Yesterday , prosecutors also charged Shin Dong - bin , chairman of South Koreanconglomerate Lotte Group , with bribery . Mr Shin is accused of providing Won 7 bn ($6.2 m) to Ms Park and Choi in return for business favours . “ We find the decision on the indictmentregrettable ,” Lotte said .

昨天,檢方還指控韓國綜合企業樂天集團( Lotte Group )董事長辛東彬( Shin Dong - bin )行賄。辛東彬被控向朴槿惠和崔順實提供了70億韓元(合620萬美元),以換取商業恩惠。樂天表示「我們對公訴決定感到遺憾。」


Mr Shin is the second - highest profile businessman to be engulfed by the scandal . In February , Samsung Group ' s de facto leader Lee Jae - yong was arrested on allegations ofbribery , embezzlement and other financial offences . Mr Lee is standing trial amid allegationsthat Samsung made donations worth nearly $40 m to Choi in exchange for business favours .Mr Lee denies any wrongdoing .

辛東彬是捲入該醜聞的知名度第二高的商業人物。2月,三星集團( Samsung Group )事實上的領導人李在鎔( Lee Jae - yong )因行賄、挪用公款以及其他財務犯罪的指控被捕。李在鎔正在接受庭審,被指讓三星向崔順實做出價值近4000萬美元的捐贈,以換取商業恩惠。李在鎔否認任何不當行為。

Prosecutors did not charge SK Group chairman , Chey Tae - won , who has faced similaraccusations to Mr Shin , because the conglomerate did not pay the bribe allegedly requestedby Ms Choi .

SK集團董事長崔泰源( Chey Tae - won )曾面臨與辛東彬類似的指控,但檢方未向他提出控罪,因為該集團最終並未支付崔順實據稱索要的賄款。

Woo Byung - woo , former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs , was chargedyesterday with neglecting his duty by trying to hide the claims against Ms Park . Mr Woo deniesthe charges .

昨天,青瓦台前民政首席秘書禹柄宇( Woo Byung - woo )被控怠忽職守,試圖掩蓋針對朴槿惠的指控。他否認這些指控。


(來源: http://www.cuyoo.com/portal.php?mod=list&catid=2&page=2 )


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The UK's recent productivity performance has been calamitous. True, the productivity slowdown has been a widespread phenomenon among high-income countries. But Britain's slowdown is remarkably bad even by these standards. The question is why. Recent research sheds light on this vital economic question . Why is it vital? The answer is that if recent performance continued, the economy would no longer generate rising real incomes per head. That would change everything for the worse.


Since the financial crisis of 2007-08, the UK's growth of labour productivity has been about the same as Italy's, in the performance basement of the high-income countries. Yet the UK suffered much the largest deterioration in productivity growth of any of the large high-income countries since the crisis. Its productivity levels are also among the lowest of the high-income countries, which indicates room for fast catch-up growth. This makes recent performance even more disturbing.


Even I had not realised how bad performance has been until I read a recent speech on productivity by the Bank of England's Andy Haldane. “For the past decade, average productivity growth has been negative,” he said, adding “you would have to go right back to the 18th century to see a similarly lengthy period of stagnant productivity.”

我在閱讀了英國央行(Bank of England)的安迪?霍爾丹(Andy Haldane)最近關於生產率的演講稿之後,才意識到英國的表現有多麼糟糕。霍爾丹表示:“在過去10年裡,平均生產率增長為負數,”他補充稱,“你只有回到18世紀,才能看到類似的生產率持續停滯”。

One reason why things might not be quite as bleak as this is laid out in a recent paper by Harvard's Marty Feldstein. He argues that we tend to exaggerate inflation and so underestimate economic growth, because of growing difficulties in measuring quality improvements in the modern economy . In all probability, real incomes are rising more than statistics indicate. While plausible, this does not explain the virtually universal productivity slowdown. It certainly does not explain the UK's exceptionally large slowdown.

哈佛大學(Harvard)的馬蒂?費爾德斯坦(Marty Feldstein)在最近一篇論文中給出了局面沒有如此慘淡的理由。他辯稱,我們往往誇大通脹,從而低估經濟增長,因為衡量現代經濟的質量改善越來越難了。實際情況很可能是,實際收入增幅超出統計數據所表明的程度。儘管這種說法貌似有理,但它解釋不了幾乎所有國家生產率增長放緩的原因。它肯定解釋不了英國生產率為何異常大幅放緩。


Mr Haldane suggests another explanation: the huge lag between the productivity frontrunners and the laggards. He also shows that the dispersion in productivity performance is larger in the UK and has widened more than in other countries. Evidently, the UK economy contains many duff companies.


This analysis helps explain the UK's low average level of productivity. But it does not appear to explain the sharp slowdown. Mr Haldane's data show that the dispersion in productivity among British companies is exceptional, but not that it has grown faster since the crisis than before it. Indeed, he notes that “the tail of low-productivity companies today is, if anything, smaller than it was pre-crisis”. So that cannot explain the productivity slowdown.


Another hypothesis is that loose monetary policy explains the slowdown. But UK policy has not been exceptionally loose and so cannot explain its exceptional slowdown. Mr Haldane's analysis does show that tighter monetary policy might have raised productivity levels by a modest 1-2 per cent, but at the cost of some 1.5m jobs. Inflicting that would have been grossly irresponsible.


There is another explanation. Research by my colleagues Chris Giles and Gemma Tetlow shows that the slowdown is mainly in banking, telecommunications, utilities, management consultancy and legal and accounting services. These sectors comprise 11 per cent of the economy, yet account for two- thirds of the slowdown. Many of these sectors were profoundly affected by the boom and bust of global finance. Indeed, one possibility is productivity growth has not so much slowed as never reached the heights estimated before the crisis. Surging real rewards might have been confused with booming output. If so, the slowdown is a return to normality.

還有一種解釋。我的同事克里斯.賈爾斯(Chris Giles)和杰馬.泰特洛(Gemma Tetlow)的研究表明,放緩主要發生在銀行、電信、公用事業、管理諮詢以及法律和會計服務行業。這些行業只佔經濟的11%,但占到放緩的三分之二。其中許多行業受到全球金融興衰的深遠影響。的確,一個可能性是,生產率增長與其說是放緩,不如說是從未達到危機前估計的高度。我們可能將實際獎酬飆升與產出繁榮混為一談。若果真如此,生產率增長放緩是向正常的回歸。政策挑戰

(來源: http://www.cuyoo.com/portal.php?mod=list&catid=2&page=2 )

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With one bound? Theresa May is making a dash for freedom. The prime minister's calculation is that a decisive general election victory on June 8 would bestow a personal mandate, the right to set her own agenda, and, this above all, the authority over her own party she needs to negotiate Brexit. A glance at the opinion polls tells you the stars will never be more favourably aligned.

大步跳躍?特里薩.梅(Theresa May)正向著自由衝去。這位英國首相盤算著,在6月8日大選中取得決定性勝利,將賦予她個人民意授權、制定自己議程的權利,最重要的是開展退歐談判所需的黨內權威。掃一眼民意調查就知道,沒有比現在更有利的時刻了。
Received wisdom had it that Mrs May was perfectly comfortable governing in the shadow of her predecessor David Cameron. Had she not said many times that the present parliament would run its full course until 2020? Received wisdom has taken quite a battering lately. If there was a justified element of surprise in her announcement it was because this cautious, deliberative politician has a deserved reputation for risk aversion.     

人們曾普遍認為,梅在前任戴維.卡梅倫(David Cameron)留給她的座位上相當自在。她不是還多次表示,本屆議會將一直運行到2020年期滿為止嗎?普遍共識在最近遭到了重創。如果說她的提前大選宣布有合理的意外之處,那就是這位謹慎、思考縝密的政治人物有著值得稱道的厭惡風險的名聲。
Doing nothing was the bigger risk. Mrs May was a Remainer, albeit a reluctant one, during last year's referendum campaign. She will never be trusted by the anti-European ultras on the Conservative right for whom a hard Brexit is the soft option. With a small parliamentary majority, it was already evident they could take her prisoner during negotiations with the other 27 member states of the EU. She needed to shift the dynamic. The alternative was to hold on to office without power.   


The election gives her permission to escape the straitjacket of Mr Cameron's 2015 manifesto and, always assuming she wins, choose her own cabinet. Mrs May has made no secret of what she thinks of her predecessor. The kerfuffle and subsequent U-turn over proposed tax changes in the March budget were an unwelcome reminder of his legacy. As for the cabinet, word in Whitehall has it that Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, is among those whose future claim to a cabinet seat depends on just how energetically he campaigns for Mrs May.

假設她贏了,大選將讓她逃脫卡梅倫2015年宣言的束縛,她還能選擇自己的內閣。梅並不掩飾自己對其前任的看法。3月份預算中提議的稅改所造成的混亂,以及隨後的大轉變,是卡梅倫政治遺產的一個不受歡迎的提示。至於內閣,白廳內部有傳言說,外交大臣鮑里斯?約翰遜(Boris Johnson)等人未來的內閣席位,將取決於他們多麼賣力地為梅助選。

Snap elections can go wrong, of course, as Edward Heath discovered in February 1974. In the midst of a battle with the trade unions, the then Tory prime minister went to the country with a question that he always intended to be rhetorical: “Who governs Britain?” The voters replied by choosing Harold Wilson's Labour opposition.

當然,提前選舉也會失算,正如愛德華.希斯(Edward Heath)在1974年2月所發現的。在與工會的鬥爭中,這位時任保守黨在全國競選時問選民:“誰在統治英國?”他的本意始終是反問,但選民的回答是選擇哈羅德.威爾遜(Harold Wilson)的反對黨工黨(Labour)。
Voters will not thank Mrs May for dragging them to the polls again. Nor will they be impressed by the flimsy pretence that she was forced into the decision by the Brexit manoeuvring of the opposition parties. The politics here is all about the Conservative party. By reneging on a solemn pledge, the prime minister does nothing to raise popular trust in the political class.  

This is not, though, 1974. Wilson was a political master. He had served six years as prime minister. Jeremy Corbyn is no Wilson. The far left Labour leader is more comfortable in the company of Latin American revolutionaries than voters in Doncaster or Dorset . Prospective prime ministers need one thing above all else: credibility. Picture Mr Corbyn framed in the doorway of 10 Downing Street. Labour MPs now charging towards the Tory guns do so in the expectation many will be cut down on June 8.

不過,現在的大局有別於1974年。威爾遜是政治大師,他曾擔任6年首相。傑里米.科爾賓(Jeremy Corbyn)不是威爾遜。這位極左翼工黨領袖與拉美革命者(而不是唐卡斯特或多塞特郡的選民)在一起更自在。未來的首相最需要的一個特質是可信度。科爾賓的照片掛在唐寧街10號門道的牆上是不堪設想的。如今,很多工黨議員在與保守黨對手競選時,對於自己將在6月8日投票中慘敗做好了心理準備。

The election will not disrupt the Brexit negotiations, not least because serious bargaining cannot begin until after Germany goes to the polls in the autumn. Nor should the prospect of a hefty Conservative majority revive hopes among pro-Europeans of a soft Brexit. The decisions to leave the single market and the customs union were taken by the prime minister, and Mrs May is not about to abandon her distinctly illiberal view of immigration. That said, a convincing victory would shift some of the parameters.

Just as importantly, it would change the texture of the negotiations. 


Eight months into the job, Mrs May has begun to face up to the complexity of the challenge. She cannot, as she thought until quite recently, expect a bespoke deal with the EU that would offer the best of all worlds.

Britain will have to make compromises and concessions. Hence Downing Street's new willingness to countenance a transition period and signals that Britain will accept large numbers of European migrants for many years after Brexit. More such concessions will have to be made, not least in recognising that if it wants to retain a close relationship with some EU agencies Britain will have to afford the European Court of Justice a role in disputes resolution. 

英國必須作出妥協和讓步。因此唐寧街最近表示願意考慮一個過渡時期,並發出信號表示,英國將在退歐後的多年裡接收大量歐洲移民。英國必須作出更多這樣的讓步,尤其是承認如果它還想與一些歐盟機構保持密切關係,它就必須給予歐洲法院(European Court of Justice)一個解決爭端的角色。

A substantial win for the Conservatives in June will not end the divisions among Brexiters — not least between those who see the departure from Europe as an opportunity to strike a more nationalist, protectionist pose and free trade globalists who dream of creating what Whitehall officials have cruelly dubbed “Empire 2.0”. A strong personal mandate, though, would give Mrs May a margin of manoeuvre.

保守黨在6月份取得重大勝利不會終結退歐派內部的分歧,尤其在是那些將退歐視作一個擺出更民族主義、保護主義姿態的機會的人,和那些夢想創造被白廳官員們刻薄地稱為“帝國2.0”(Empire 2.0)、支持自由貿易的全球主義者之間的分歧。然而,獲得強有力的個人民意授權,將讓梅有一定的迴旋餘地。
All this, of course, tells only half the story. There remains the small matter of what the other 27 EU member states are prepared to offer. The Brits are prone to forget that other European states have politics too. So the financial markets should not become over-excited. What can be said is that if the odds last week on a deal being struck during the Brexit talks were no better than 50:50, they have shortened somewhat in favour of an agreement.   


A step forward, then, rather than a great bound.      



(來源: http://www.cuyoo.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=32820 )

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Donald Trump's state visit to Britain will be delayed in an alleged attempt to avoid embarrassing protests over his Muslim ban. The visit will reportedly now take place in October after the US President supposedly expressed his fears to Prime Minister Theresa May during a phone call two weeks ago.




Trump's stay was rumoured to be set up for June but has been postponed so the controversy over his attempt to ban migrants from seven majority Muslim countries from entering the US can die down. Instead the Spanish royal family are now due to come in the first half of the year.




A provisional three day visit, from October 5 to 8, has been pencilled in for Mr Trump.The dates fall just after the Conservative party conference but before Parliament returns from a recess – meaning Trump would not have to address MPs in parliament and spark further protests.




A senior government source told The Sun: 'Trump still really wants to come this year, but he wants the heat to die down a bit first.'The White House watch what happens over here surprisingly closely, and they don't want to create a scene for our sake either.




Last month, speaker John Bercow attempted to ban Trump from addressing Parliament as thousands took to British streets to protest the controversial US leader.In an extraordinary broadside from the Speaker's chair, he said Mr Trump's ban on migrants had left him 'even more strongly opposed ' to a speech than he had been.



上月,英國下議院議長John Bercow表示,強烈反對美國總統特朗普在對英國進行國事訪問期間在英國議會發表講話,致使上萬民眾上街遊行,反對這位頗受爭議的美國領導進行訪問。 "在移民禁令之前,我自己就一直強烈反對特朗普總統在威斯敏斯特大廳發表演講;而在特朗普實施移民緊令後,我更加強烈反對。”


However, some branded Mr Bercow a 'hypocrite' over the comments as he previously had no objections to leaders of controversial regimes, including China, Kuwait and Qatar, addressing MPs and peers in both houses.




An October state visit could increase the Trump's chance of seeing the Queen at her Scottish retreat Balmoral. The monarch holidays every year in her Highlands castle at the end of the summer and Trump, whose mother was Scottish, has expressed his desire to visit the country in an official capacity.





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Executives at Chinese Internet giants, including Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, are focusing on the development of artificial intelligence and believe the next decades will be a golden age for the industry.


"We used to see artificial intelligence only as a way to improve our computing and processing abilities. But, actually, AI can use data for self study and make our rules," said Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of Tencent, at the China IT Summit in Shenzhen.


In March 2016, Google's artificial intelligence program AlphaGo scored a 4-1 victory over South Korean Go master Lee Se-dol in a five-round showdown. The machine's victory was noted by AI enthusiasts around the world.


Tencent developed its own AI program Jueyi, which has scored several victories in matches around the world.


"If we develop a simulator, define its parameters, let it fully explore, study and make mistakes, programs will make out how things work, far exceeding our imagination," Ma said.


Internet giant Baidu set up a national deep learning technology lab in Beijing in March. The lab gathered AI experts from Baidu, Tsinghua University, Beihang University and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.


"The Internet is just an appetizer. The main course will be AI. In the future, machines will develop to a point where they can understand humans and their intentions," said Li Yanhong, the chairman of Baidu.


Baidu has invested heavily in machine-aided study, image recognition, voice recognition and driverless vehicles.


"AI will be a magnanimous industry and will last for a very long time. I'm certain that the industry will develop fast in the next 20 to 50 years," Li said.


"Machines can do what people can't. We must make machines our best partner, rather than letting them replace us," said Jack Ma, founder of Internet commerce giant Alibaba.


"We shall not be worried about how much the Internet is impacting traditional business. Rather, we have to use Internet and AI to our advantage."




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The day that the Queen dies will see a nation in mourning. But the plan for what will happen afterwards has already been meticulously laid out.

In fact, there is a code word that will be used to deliver the sad and tragic news to the upper echelons of the Government that will signify her passing and the starting of what happens next – 'London Bridge is down.'

According to the Guardian the Prime Minister of the time will be woken if they are asleep, and will be told by civil servants: "London Bridge is down."

This message will signify to the PM that Queen Elizabeth II has passed away, kicking off a highly-organised series of events that will eventually lead up to the monarch's funeral.

Once the Prime Minister has been told, the Foreign Office, from an undisclosed location in London, will inform 15 governments outside of the UK where the Queen is also the head of state.

The Global Response Centre will also pass on the news to the 36 other nations of the Commonwealth for whom the Queen has served as a symbolic figurehead.

As for the general public, the media has already planned the details in how to break the news and start a period of mourning.
Where previously the BBC was the first to reveal the death of a monarch, modern technology and social media has effectively destroyed that monopoly.

Instead, a newsflash will be sent to the Press Association, as well as the rest of the world's media at exactly the same time.

A footman in mourning clothes will be sent out of a door at Buckingham Palace at the same time to pin a notice of the tragic news to the gates, while the official palace website will feature just one page, displaying the news on a dark background.

Newspapers and their respective websites will already have several stories ready to run, written in advance so that they can go up as soon as the news breaks.

Television news, including Sky and ITN, have already signed up various royalty experts to chat to them exclusively, while rehearsals on delivering the news that have taken place for years will finally be put into action.

Unsurprisingly, newsreaders will be wearing black suits and outfits, while regular television coverage will be cancelled to switch to the news that will dominate channels for weeks, if not months.

A former BBC head of news told the Guardian that the organisation and planned mourning period will be needed so people can grieve for "the only monarch that most of us have ever known".






英國全球響應中心也將通知英聯邦其餘的36個國家,上述國家奉女王為名義上的元首。為英國女王駕崩做準備 王室設定'倫敦橋已倒'暗號











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 Banks Look to Cellphones toReplace A.T.M. Cards手機取代提款卡 美銀行力推

文/Stacy Cowley


Wallets can be lost, stolen or forgotten, but most people today would not be caught dead without their phones.

Banks understand, and are grabbing on to that trend. Customers who do not want to fumble around in their wallet for their ATM card — or who have misplaced it for the umpteenth time — will soon be able to unlock cash dispensers’ coffers by using their phone.


JPMorgan Chase, which has more ATMs in the United States — 18,000 — than any other bank, has activated this technology on a few hundred machines in four test cities, including Miami and San Francisco. Six thousand more are upgraded and ready to go.

Bank of America and Wells Fargo plan to introduce cardless options to all their machines by the end of the year. And while swiping an ATM card may not exactly seem onerous, bankers think going card-free will be a hit with consumers.

“It’s about having the choice,” said Jonathan Velline, Wells Fargo’s head of ATM and branch banking. “If you’ve lost your card or left home without your wallet, chances are you still have your smartphone in your hand.”

But of course, any new financial technology brings with it new security holes.

For decades banks have battled “skimming,” in which criminals sabotage ATMs to steal the information off a card and use it to clear out people’s accounts. The replacement of magnetic stripe cards with chip cards significantly reduced that problem, but mobile access brings in new worries.

One Chase customer recently had $2,900 stolen from her account through the bank’s new cardless system — which she had never used. A thief got her online banking user name and password, installed Chase’s mobile app on his or her phone, and used it to withdraw cash. Unlike most cardless systems, Chase’s does not require customers to enter their four-digit PIN at the cash machine.

Chase refunded the customer’s lost money and immediately made security changes. “We’ve put safeguards in place to protect our customers,” said Michael Fusco, a Chase spokesman. The bank’s system still does not require PINs, but Chase is confident it can detect and prevent similar attacks, he said.

Other banks have fared better, and say their fraud rates on mobile ATM transactions are significantly lower than those for traditional card-swipe withdrawals.

Wintrust Financial, which operates community banks in Illinois and Wisconsin, added cardless access to all its 250 cash machines nearly three years ago. Thanks to multiple layers of security, there has been no fraud so far, said Thomas P. Ormseth, a senior vice president at the bank. (“Knock on wood,” he added.)












銀行業者Wintrust Financial在伊利諾州與威斯康辛州經營社區銀行,在旗下所有250台自動提款機新增無卡登入功能已接近三年。該銀行資深副總裁湯瑪斯.歐姆西斯表示,多虧有多層安全機制,迄今還未發生詐欺事件。(他接著說:「老天保佑。」)




第二段單字fumble指的是「摸索、亂摸」的意思,常搭配about、around、for、after等介系詞使用,例如to fumble around in the dark則為「在黑暗中摸索」之意。此外,同段中的for the umpteenth time有「無數次」的意思,在文中當副詞片語使用,而umpteen意指「很多的、數不清的」,對應的序數詞則為umpteenth。

而俚語not be caught dead則常使用在極度不願意做某事時,表示寧願死也不要做的意思。例句:He wouldn't be caught dead goiing out in a suit other than Chanel.(他寧死也不要穿非香奈兒品牌的西裝出門。)

 In a Walt Whitman Novel, Lost for 165 Years, Clues to ‘Leaves of Grass’惠特曼匿名小說 有「草葉集」影子

文/Jennifer Schuessler


​​多益相關新聞-惠特曼匿名小說 有「草葉集」影子.jpg

Readers who picked up The New York Times on March 13, 1852, might have seen a small advertisement on Page 3 for a serial tale set to begin the next day in a rival newspaper.

The story, which was never reviewed or reprinted, appears to have sunk like a stone.

But now comes another rich revelation: The anonymously published tale was nothing less than a complete novel by Walt Whitman.

The 36,000-word “Life and Adventures of Jack Engle,” which was discovered last summer by a graduate student, has been republished online by The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review and in book form by the University of Iowa Press. A quasi-Dickensian tale of an orphan’s adventures, it features a villainous lawyer, virtuous Quakers, glad-handing politicians, a sultry Spanish dancer and more than a few unlikely plot twists and jarring narrative shifts.


“This is Whitman’s take on the city mystery novel, a popular genre of the day that pitted the ‘upper 10 thousand’ — what we would call the 1 percent — against the lower million,” said David S. Reynolds, a Whitman expert at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

But it also, Reynolds and other scholars who have seen it say, offers clues to another mystery: how a workaday journalist and mostly conventional poet transformed himself into the author of the sensuous, philosophical, wildly experimental and altogether unclassifiable free verse of “Leaves of Grass.”

That transformation was one that Whitman himself wished to obscure.

That doesn’t faze Zachary Turpin, the graduate student at the University of Houston who found “Jack Engle.”

Turpin called it “rollicking, interesting, beautiful, beautiful and bizarre,” with antic twists, goofy names and suddenly revealed conspiracies that recall “a pre-modern Thomas Pynchon” or even, he ventured, “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.”


This may sound a long way from “Leaves of Grass.” But Jack Engle and the other raffish young male characters, Reynolds said, are reminiscent of the man-of-the-streets persona he created with “Leaves of Grass.”

And then there’s Chapter 19, which Ed Folsom, editor of The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review called “a magical moment.” Here, Jack enters the cemetery at Trinity Church in Lower Manhattan, and the madcap plot grinds to a halt in favor of reveries about nature, immortality and the oneness of being that strikingly echo the imagery of Whitman’s great work.













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How to Close a Gender Gap: Let Employees Control Their Schedules 縮小職場性別差距的關鍵:彈性上班工時

文/Claire Cain Miller


The main reason for the gender gaps at work — why women are paid less, why they’re less likely to reach the top levels of companies, and why they’re more likely to stop working after having children — is employers’ expectation that people spend long hours at their desks, research has shown.

It’s especially difficult for women because they have disproportionate responsibility for caregiving.

Flexibility regarding the time and place that work gets done would go a long way toward closing the gaps, economists say. Yet when people ask for it, especially parents, they can be penalized in pay and promotions. Social scientists call it the flexibility stigma, and it’s the reason that even when companies offer such policies, they’re not widely used.

A new job search company, Werk, is trying to address the problem by negotiating for flexibility with employers before posting jobs, so employees don’t have to.

All the positions listed on the Werk site, including some from Facebook, Uber and Samsung, are highly skilled jobs that offer some sort of control over the time and place of work. People can apply to jobs that let them work away from the office all the time or some of the time, and at hours other than 9-to-5, part time or with minimal travel.

Another option gives workers the freedom to adjust their schedules, no questions asked, because of unpredictable obligations, like a sleepless night with a toddler or a trip to the emergency room with an older parent.


“Nobody wants to be the female in the department who says, ‘My kid threw up on me this morning; I can’t come in,'” said Annie Dean, who worked as a lawyer before starting Werk with Anna Auerbach, a former consultant. “Eighty percent of companies say they offer flexibility, but it’s a black market topic. You raise it and you’re not taken seriously.”

For now, Werk is a limited experiment. Most of the employers are small companies, and it is aimed at an elite group of women — highly educated and on a leadership track. But it could provide lessons for how to improve work and make it more equal for a broader group.

Women who have less education or are paid hourly wages have significantly less flexibility than professional women to begin with. It makes working and caregiving that much harder.

Motherhood presents a different challenge for the elite women that Werk was made for. The careers that pay the most and require the most education, like business and law, also have the most gender inequality. Why? Economists have found it’s a result of the long hours and limited flexibility.














France's Obsession With Decline Is a Booming Industry法國人對「衰弱」的迷戀 成就興旺產業

文/Rachel Donadio

Michel Onfray, a best-selling French pop philosopher, was sounding pretty upbeat on the phone, even though the title of his latest book is “Decadence: The Life and Death of the Judeo-Christian Tradition."

His book had just come out, with an impressive press run of 120,000 copies, and was selling briskly in spite of — or perhaps because of — its gloomy prognostication. “If you think today about terrorism, the rise of populism, it was important to put that in perspective,” Onfray said recently. His research, he added, “shows a civilization that had been strong, that had ceased to be so and that’s heading toward its end.”
Onfray is one of the latest popular authors to join France’s booming decline industry, a spate of books and articles (with a handful of TV shows) that explore the country’s (and the West’s) failings and France’s obsession with those failings. (Last year, the word “declinisme,” or “declinism,” entered France’s Larousse dictionary.) It’s a phenomenon that cuts across the political spectrum and has picked up velocity in recent years by tapping into an anxious national mood. And its loudest voices are intellectuals with platforms in the national news media.

Beyond Onfray’s, other books with decline on their minds have appeared in the past few weeks. “The Returned,” a best seller by journalist David Thomson, is an investigative report about French jihadis who’ve returned home from Syria. “A Submissive France: Voices of Defiance” compiles interviews on France’s troubled banlieues, or suburbs, overseen by historian Georges Bensoussan. “Chronicles of French Denial,” by right-leaning economist and historian Nicolas Baverez, is about how France continued its economic decline under President Francois Hollande.

There’s also “An Imaginary Racism” by left-leaning philosopher Pascal Bruckner, who was recently cleared of charges of inciting hate speech and argues that fear of being labeled Islamophobic is leading people to self-censor their speech, while in November, Sciences Po professor Gilles Kepel published “The Fracture,” which explores how the radicalization of some young Muslims is tearing apart French society.

“The thing that’s very striking now is how pervasive those ideas are,” said Sudhir Hazareesingh, a professor at Oxford University and author of “How the French Think.” “One of the things characteristic of the present moment is this idea that decline and decadence are not just the preserve of the extreme right.”









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South Korea, the US and Japan on Monday began an anti-submarine exercise designed to counter North Korea’s growing threats from submarine-based ballistic missiles (SLBMs) , South Korea’s Navy said.


The three-day exercise took place in waters between South Korea and Japan, near Jeju Island, where the three countries’ navies searched for and tracked a mock submarine, protected high-value units under a contingency scenario, and carried out anti-submarine defense maneuvers.


“The drill was intended to improve the three countries’ anti-submarine search, identification and tracking capabilities so as to ensure their effective response to threats from North Korea, which is developing SLBMs,” the Navy said in a statement.


The US Navy’s 7th Fleet based in Japan said in a separate statement that the drill will promote communications, interoperability and partnership between the three navies. “The training will allow participants to enhance tactical maritime capabilities, strengthen cooperation and improve shared situational awareness.”





kick off:動詞片語,開球。When does the soccer game kick off?(這場足球賽何時開始?)

track:動詞,跟蹤。The military use satellite to track targets through clouds.(軍方利用衛星穿透雲層追蹤目標。)

so as to:片語,以便。We should do more exercise so as to keep fit.(我們該多運動,好保持健康。)




Coca-Cola is featuring a different type of celebrity on its cans in China:Warren Buffett.


The Atlanta company says it decided to feature a drawing of the billionaire investor on cans for the launch of Cherry Coke in the country. Buffett is a known fan of Cherry Coke, and his Berkshire Hathaway is Coke’s largest single shareholder.


Shaun Rein, founder of the China Market Research Group, said business leaders in China tend to have an "outsized" following, in some case more than sports stars. Buffett is also seen as "a non-corrupt, down-to-earth" person in the country, Rein said.


Coke began selling Cherry Coke in China on March 10. The special edition Buffett cans will remain on shelves for a limited time. (AP)






feature:名詞,指特徵、容貌、期刊特輯、故事片;動詞,指描寫特徵、使具特色、做為號召物或重要角色、起主要作用。例句:This movie features a Taiwanese actor.(這部電影由一位台灣演員主演。)

launch:動詞,指啟動、計畫開展、著手進行;名詞,指投擲、大船上的小艇。例句:They are planning to launch a second offensive.(他們打算展開第二波攻勢。)

tend:動詞,指照料、護理、傾向。例句:Are we taking the road that tends east?(我們走朝東的那條路嗎?)



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【文/羅伊伶Janet Lo】

情人節即將到來,仍單身的去死團員們,是不是有些孤單寂寞覺得冷?想早點擺脫單身,有朝一日能將臉書的感情狀態從「一言難盡」改成「穩定交往中」?今天這一則經典電影搭訕詞(pick-up lines)各位單身貴族可千萬不能錯過!除了能學到多益常考詞彙之外,靠這幾句精選搭訕詞,或許就能讓你從此退出光棍族的行列!




1. The thing is, um, what I'm trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you, very much. Just as you are.
(是這樣的,嗯…我想說的是,非常含糊地,就是,嗯…事實上,也許無論外表如何,我就是喜歡你,就是這樣的你。)__BJ單身日記《Bridget Jones's Diary》

句中使用副詞inarticulately來形容前面他說話的方式是「含糊、口齒不清地」,此字源自形容詞articulate「善於表達的」,為多益常考單字。如在人事情境中談到面試者善於表達自己的想法,便可說「The interviewee was articulate enough to express most of his thoughts and ideas.」其相反詞就是加上字首in為inarticulate。

2. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
(我今晚來到這兒,就是因為當你知道自己想與一人共度餘生,就會希望這個「餘生」能快點開始。)__當哈利碰上莎莉《When Harry Met Sally》


這裡的realize比understand的「知道」更深層,可以說是「深刻體會、清楚理解」的意思。而名詞rest除了「休息」之外,也有「剩餘」的意思,在此提到the rest of your life便是指「剩下的人生」。



3. When I think of why I make pictures, the reason that I can come up with just seems that I've been making my way here. It seems right now that all I've ever done in my life is making my way here to you.

《The Bridges of Madison County》句中用到的片語come up with為「想到、想出 (一個點子)」的意思,在多益中,常出現於辦公室情境裡的come up with a plan「想到一個計畫」,比如在會議上可能提到「If we think strategically, we may come up with a plan that promises success.」或是面對一個突發狀況時,we can come up with an appropriate response(想到一個適當的回應)等。


4. How would you like to have a sexual encounter so intense, it could conceivably change your political views?
(你覺得來場性體驗,火熱到連你的政治立場都能因此被改變,這樣如何?)__校門外《The Sure Thing》

這裡的encounter為「境遇」的意思,如此地intense(熱烈、激情的)境遇,連人家的political views(政治立場)都能因此被改變的話,想必說出這段話的人是個大情聖了。
The intense competition between most of the new companies caused many of them to exit the industry within half a year.(許多新公司間的激烈競爭導致不少公司在半年內退出這個產業。)不同的情境intense的意味可就不一樣囉!

5. There's no reason we need to be shackled by the strictures of the employee-employer relationship. Unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing. In which case, I got some shackles in the back. I'm just kidding. But seriously, I've got them.

在這裡的someone is into something就是指某人對某事「很感興趣」,但如果連employee-employer relationship這種「雇傭關係」都不管的話,沒了這個stricture(束縛),恐怕就會演變成一種職場不倫戀了。不過,若上司還提到有收藏shackle(手銬)這種癖好的時候,應該可以報警處理了。但是,這是出自班史提勒搞笑片中的台詞,各位就別太嚴肅地看待這個搭訕詞了。對於比較有幽默感的人,或許可採取這種詼諧的搭訕方式,留下深刻的印象喔!


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5. Situated between the mountains and the coastline, Jinguashi boastsexceptionally beautiful scenery as well as an abundance of historical relics from the erstwhile mining days, making it an ideal tourist spot in northern Taiwan.





例句: The product boasts its portability and lightweight.






exception (n.):「–tion」字尾通常表達名詞,這裡指的是例外。

exceptional (adj.):延伸出表達傑出的,因為若不屬於大眾的標準,例外就變成傑出的。

exceptionally (adv.):「-ly」則是傑出的副詞變化。



M: I love to grill thick steak in the summer. My wife boasts that all the neighbors flock to our backyard when they see the first puffs of smoke in the evening. 

W: I also enjoy eating outside. I’ve got abundant vegetables in my garden, and I often use them to create new dishes.



1. What interest do they have in common?

a. smoking

b. gardening

c. cooking

d. grilling

2. What does the man say about his wife?

a. She grows vegetables for him to cook.

b. She takes pride in her husband’s grilling that attracts people nearby.

c. She creates new dishes.

d. She doesn’t like her husband smoke in the garden.



1. 兩人的共同興趣為何?從男的說I love to grill thick steak in the summer.(我喜歡夏天的時候煎牛排),而女的回應I often use them to create new dishes.(我常用它們來做新菜),可以猜測出來兩人共同享受烹飪的樂趣。所以第一題要選(c) cooking,其他選項剛好有出現,但不是串連兩人的共通點。


2. 這個男的對太太的描述為何?選項要選(b) She takes pride in her husband’s grilling that attracts people nearby.(她很自豪丈夫的煎肉技術常常能吸引附近的人聞香而來。)因為對話中用boast表達他感到驕傲的事項。




W: I don't know. I think I like the JZ computer better. What do you think?

M: Well, the JZ does have more memory, and it has a lot of extra features. But I think we get more for our money with the Zell.

W: Yeah, the Zell is a lot cheaper. JZ and Zell are both good brands, so I'm OK with either one. It's your call.



1. What does the man say about Zell?
a. It’s too expensive

b. It has extra features

c. It’s a better value

d. It’s not a good brand

2. What does the woman suggest the man do?

a. Buy the JZ

b. Make the decision

c. Buy the Zell

d. Let her decide


1. 男的怎麼描述Zell?男的說But I think we get more for our money with the Zell. (花在Zell上的錢更值得),所以很明顯的答案應該要選(c) It’s a better value.

2. 女的建議男的應該怎麼辦?女的後來說It's your call.(這是你的決定),因為女的後來說I'm OK with either one(不管選哪個我都可以接受),代表他沒意見,所以主要由男的做決定即可,因此答案要選(b) Make the decision





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金獎導演馬丁.史柯西斯執導的《沉默》(Silence)近日在台上映,這部導演籌備30年的史詩巨作內容講述一名耶穌會傳教在是在17世紀時被派到日本傳教,卻慘遭迫害並轉而變成地下教徒的片子,超強卡司包括「最強老爸」連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)和「蜘蛛人」安德魯加菲(Andrew Garfield)。




1. Yangmingshan is a huge park that features scenic peaks in the top and lush subtropical rainforest in the lower areas. 




例句: The new Toyota Camry features an entirely computerized dashboard.



這例句中可明顯看出feature作為動詞用法,與本句用法相同。Feature story則是每期報紙、雜誌會出現的主題文章中討論當期的重點議題


Scenic「美景的」,這個形容詞來自scene「(單一)景色」,也有「場景」之意,片語make/create a scene意思是說在公眾場合大吵大鬧。


Scenery同樣是名詞,卻是不可數名詞,是個集合名詞,指的是一整片的風景。Peaks在這裡指的是山峰,因為不只一座山,而是一串的山峰,所以用複數表達。值得注意的是,多益情境中peak hour指的是商業的旺季時期,off-peak hour則是淡季時期。因為山峰在山頂,所以peak有頂部的意思。


subtropical 亞熱帶的,這個單字有一個常見的字首sub指的是「次要的」,有時候看到不認識的單字,不要慌張,用簡單的判斷力,或許你就可以輕鬆猜出詞意喔!像是subtitle,title指的是電影名稱,subtitle在電影名稱下面,也就是「字幕」囉!




2. Yangmingshan National Park is one of the nine national parks in Taiwan, located between Taipei and New Taipei City. 


名詞location(位置)很常見,但如果要表達「位於...」時就要用locate + _____ (prep.)。要注意的是,locate後面的介系詞要由地點來取決,一般常見的地方介系詞為in 、at、on,分別表達不同位置的概念。此句中強調位於兩點間,所以用between,記得要先判斷地點的型態再選正確的介系詞喔!




3. The districts that house parts of the park grounds include Taipei’s Beitou and Shilin Districts; and New Taipei’s Wanli, Jinshan and Sanzhi districts. 




例句: The museum houses an impressive collection of jewels.


4. Jinguashi, located in the Ruifang District of New Taipei City, is famous for its gold and copper mines. 


如果說到要介紹景觀,is famous for這個片語不能少,只是值得注意的是,後面的介系詞有不同的變化,is famous for…後面接的是「有名的特色為何」,所以通常是一個景點或一種小吃等等;is famous as後面要接的則是「作為什麼樣角色而得名」,如:The woman is famous as a rap singer.(這個女人是個有名的女饒舌歌手。)





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