South Korea ' s former president Park Geun - hyehas been charged with bribery and abuse of power ,a month after she was ousted from office over acorruption scandal that has rocked the country formonths .
韓國前總統朴槿惠( Park Geun - hye )被控受賄和濫用職權。一個月前,朴槿惠因一宗衝擊韓國數月的腐敗醜聞而遭到彈劾。
Ms Park is facing 14 charges that accuse her ofallowing now - jailed confidante Choi Soon - sil togain unauthorised access to classified documents ,while allegedly colluding to extort $70 m from businesses for two foundations in effect underChoi ' s control .
朴槿惠面臨14項指控,包括允許現已入獄的密友崔順實( Choi Soon - sil )在未經授權的情況下接觸機密文件,以及涉嫌合謀為兩家由崔順實實際控制的基金會從企業敲詐7000萬美元。
“ We ' ve made our utmost efforts to get to the bottom of the case ,” the prosecutors saidyesterday , announcing their indictment of Ms Park .
The move is the latest humiliation for the disgraced former president , who was ousted inMarch after months of street protests . The constitutional court upheld a parliamentaryimpeachment vote from December .
Ms Park became the country ' s third president to be indicted by prosecutors after the formermilitary dictators Chun Doo - hwan and Roh Tae - woo were jailed on corruption and mutinycharges in the mid -1990 s . Ms Park , the daughter of former South Korean President ParkChung Hee , has denied any wrongdoing , saying that “ the truth will be definitely unearthed ”.
朴槿惠成為了第三位被檢方提起公訴的韓國總統。上世紀90年代中期,前軍事獨裁者全斗煥( Chun Doo -hwan )和盧泰愚( Roh Tae - woo )因腐敗和叛亂指控而被判入獄。身為韓國前總統朴正熙( Park ChungHee )之女的朴槿惠,否認有任何不當行為,稱「真相必然會水落石出」。
She was arrested late last month and remains in state custody . Prosecutors have questionedher six times at a detention facility near Seoul .
Her criminal trial is expected to start in a few weeks and could take up to six months . Ifconvicted , Ms Park could spend the rest of her life in jail , but talk of obtaining a pardon fromthe country ' s next leader has already become a hot topic among presidential candidates .
Her dismissal has left South Korea in the hands of Prime Minister Hwang Kyo - ahn ahead ofthe presidential election pencilled in for May 9. The official campaign period began yesterday ,with Moon Jae - in , the runner - up to Ms Park in 2012, leading in opinion polls , ahead ofcentrist Ahn Cheol - soo .
朴槿惠被彈劾下台後,韓國暫時由總理黃教安( Hwang Kyo - ahn )領導,直到5月9日舉行總統大選。官方競選期於昨天開始,曾在2012年與朴槿惠競選總統之位的文在寅( Moon Jae - in )目前在民調中領先,其支持率高於中間立場的安哲秀( Ahn Cheol - soo ) 。
Yesterday , prosecutors also charged Shin Dong - bin , chairman of South Koreanconglomerate Lotte Group , with bribery . Mr Shin is accused of providing Won 7 bn ($6.2 m) to Ms Park and Choi in return for business favours . “ We find the decision on the indictmentregrettable ,” Lotte said .
昨天,檢方還指控韓國綜合企業樂天集團( Lotte Group )董事長辛東彬( Shin Dong - bin )行賄。辛東彬被控向朴槿惠和崔順實提供了70億韓元(合620萬美元),以換取商業恩惠。樂天表示「我們對公訴決定感到遺憾。」
Mr Shin is the second - highest profile businessman to be engulfed by the scandal . In February , Samsung Group ' s de facto leader Lee Jae - yong was arrested on allegations ofbribery , embezzlement and other financial offences . Mr Lee is standing trial amid allegationsthat Samsung made donations worth nearly $40 m to Choi in exchange for business favours .Mr Lee denies any wrongdoing .
辛東彬是捲入該醜聞的知名度第二高的商業人物。2月,三星集團( Samsung Group )事實上的領導人李在鎔( Lee Jae - yong )因行賄、挪用公款以及其他財務犯罪的指控被捕。李在鎔正在接受庭審,被指讓三星向崔順實做出價值近4000萬美元的捐贈,以換取商業恩惠。李在鎔否認任何不當行為。
Prosecutors did not charge SK Group chairman , Chey Tae - won , who has faced similaraccusations to Mr Shin , because the conglomerate did not pay the bribe allegedly requestedby Ms Choi .
SK集團董事長崔泰源( Chey Tae - won )曾面臨與辛東彬類似的指控,但檢方未向他提出控罪,因為該集團最終並未支付崔順實據稱索要的賄款。
Woo Byung - woo , former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs , was chargedyesterday with neglecting his duty by trying to hide the claims against Ms Park . Mr Woo deniesthe charges .
昨天,青瓦台前民政首席秘書禹柄宇( Woo Byung - woo )被控怠忽職守,試圖掩蓋針對朴槿惠的指控。他否認這些指控。
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