

1. device (n) 裝置;設備;設備;儀器

The television receiver is an electronic device電視接收器是一種電子裝置。

2. fuel (n) 燃料

They are trying to find a cleaner fuel for cars. 他們正試圖找一種更乾淨的汽車燃料。

3. innovative  (a) 創新的;革新的

Your presentation at the seminar yesterday was very innovative. 你昨天在研討會裡的演說非常有創意。

4. seminar  (n) 研討會;討論會

There is a seminar on international business opportunities this evening. 今晚有一個關於國際商務機會的專題討論會。

a seminar on environmental protection 關於環境保護問題的討論會

5. innovation  (n) 革新;改革;創新

The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. 本世紀空中旅行的革新使世界似乎變小了。

6. leading-edge (n) 領先優勢 (a)居領先地位的

Microsoft and Bill Gates will continue to hold the leading-edge in the computer software industry. 微軟和比爾蓋茲將持續在電腦軟體工業佔有領先地位。

7. portable(a) 可攜帶的;輕便的

He found that little TV extremely portable. 他覺得那臺小小的電視機攜帶極其方便。

I bought my son a portable typewriter. 我給兒子買了一臺手提式打字機。

8. raw material  (n) 原料

We export raw material and energy. 我們出口原料及能源。

9. satellite  (n) 衛星;人造衛星

The space shuttle orbited a communications satellite. 太空梭將一顆通訊衛星送入軌道。

10. orbit (n) (天體運行的) 軌道

The satellite was launched into orbit around the moon. 衛星被發射進入繞月球運行的軌道。

11. automaton (n) 機器人;機械裝置

This is a fully functional automaton. 這是一個全自動功能的機器人。

12. devise (v) 設計;發明

He devised a new method of teaching writing. 他設計了一種新的教寫作的方法。

13. equipment (n) 設備;裝備(此為不可數名詞,無複數型唷!)

He devised a new method of teaching writing. 他設計了一種新的教寫作的方法。

14. facility (n) 設施;設備;裝備

She had no cooking facilities in the room. 她房間裡沒有燒煮設備。

15. gadget (n) 小玩意;小巧的機械裝置

A bottle opener is a kitchen gadget. 開瓶器是廚用小器具。

16. hands-on (a) 實地操作的;親身實驗的

This job requires hands-on experience. 這份工作需要實際操作經驗。

17. maintenance (n) 保養;維修

Who is responsible for the building's maintenance? 誰負責這座大樓的保養事宜?

18. -manual (n) 手冊;簡介

You should read the manual before you turn on the new machine. 在開這臺新機器前,應該閱讀使用手冊。

19. outage (n) (水電的) 中斷供應;斷電

You had better save your work in case there is a power outage and everything gets lost. 你最好先存檔以免斷電什麼都沒了。

20. petroleum (n) 石油

This land is rich with petroleum. 這片土地盛產石油。

21. solar (a) 利用太陽光的;依太陽而運行的

a solar engine 太陽能發動機。

22. static (a) 靜態的;靜止的:固定的

Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. 即便人口保持穩定,消費亦大幅增加。

*static 靜態的。其反義詞是 dynamic (a) 動態的;動力學的;動力的
a dynamic verb 動態動詞。
a dynamic load 動力荷載。

23. automatically (adv) 無意識地;自動地

Some doors have locks which automatically lock the doors when we close them. 有些門上的鎖在關門時會自動把門鎖好。

24. digital (a) 數位的;數字顯示的

John bought a new digital camera yesterday. 約翰昨天買了一台新的數位相機。

25. hacker (n) 電腦駭客

The FBI was flustered when they realized that the suspect they had was not the hacker they were pursuing. 當聯邦調查局發現他們所逮捕到的嫌疑犯並非他們原先在追查的電腦駭客時,顯得很狼狽。

26. laptop (n) 膝上型輕便電腦

Laptop is suitable for use on planes. 膝上型電腦適合飛機上使用。

27. retrieval (n) 取回;恢復

When a problem this serious occurs with the computer, oftentimes retrieval of lost work is impossible. 當電腦發生這麼嚴重的問題時,通常要取回已經遺失的資料是不可能的。

28. shot down (n) 停工 (v) 電腦關機

The whole company shuts down for 3 weeks' summer holiday. 全公司在夏天都停工放假三星期。

Please shot down the computer immediately. 請馬上把電腦關掉。

29. up-to-date (a) 最近的;最新的

an up-to-date report 有關最新情況的報告。

30. browse (v) 瀏覽;翻閱

I had a browse through the books on her shelf. 我瀏覽了一下她書架上的書。

*browse 這個單字乍看之下沒什麼特別,但是若它與through 一起使用,那你就不得不注意嚕!
browse through 翻閱瀏覽;隨便翻閱
I browsed through some magazines while I waited. 我邊等邊瀏覽幾本雜誌。
browse through = leaf through 隨便翻閱
Mary is browsing through the magazine in the coffee house.= Mary is leafing through the magazine in the coffee house.


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