1. due to 由於
Her absence was due to the storm.由於風雨交加她沒來。
2. stockbroker (n) 證券和股票經紀人
He is a young stockbroker at the New York Stock Exchange.他是紐約證券交易所的一位年輕的經紀人。
3. yield (n) 生產量;收益
The current yield on municipal bonds is 10%.當前市政債券的利潤是百分之十。
4. asset (n) 資產;長處優點;有用的東西
The bank has assets of over five million pounds.這家銀行有五百萬英鎊以上的資產。
Good health is a great asset.健康的身體是一筆極大的財富。
5. corporation (n) 法人;公司
He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美國大公司謀得一職。
6. cutback (v) 減少;取消
London Underground said it may have to axe 500 signaling jobs because of government cutbacks in its investment.因為政府裁減投資金額,倫敦地鐵說他們可能需要解雇500個信號工人。
7. equity (n) 抵押資產的淨值;稅金後剩餘的財產價值;普通股股票;公正;公平
They applied for a home equity loan to send their son to college.為了送他們的兒子上大學他們申請了以房屋為抵押資產的貸款。
The company awards its employees with equities.該公司以股票獎勵員工。
They seem to be actuated by the principles of equity and justice.看來他們受公平合理的原則所驅使。
8. franchise (n) 經銷權;加盟權
That fast food business has expanded through the sale of franchises.該快餐店通過出售聯營經銷權而擴大了生意。
9. branch (n) 分公司;分店
The bank has branches all over the country.該銀行在全國各地均有分行。
10. launch (v) 開始;發起;展開
Father and his partner launched into a new business.父親與他的合夥人開辦了一家新商號。
*一談起launch這個字,就讓我想到電影「賴家王老五 failure to launch」
所謂的 failure to launch 指的是一個人已經到達了可以「獨立」的年齡,應該離開父母親,可是他卻成天待在家裡,毫無獨立的慾望,這就成了failure to launch。
11. monopoly (n) 壟斷;獨占;專賣
The explosion of the Russian atomic bomb broke the American monopoly on nuclear weapons. 俄國原子彈的爆炸打破了美國對核武器的壟斷。
The government has a monopoly of oil production in that country. 在那個國家,政府獨佔石油開採權。
No one could compete with these steel monopolies. 沒有人能和這些鋼鐵壟斷企業競爭。
12. bid (n) 投標;出價;喊價
The firm decided to bid on the guidance system. 該公司決定投標導航系統。
13. export (v) 輸出;出口
We export rice but import wheat. 我們出口稻米,但進口小麥。
14. import (v) 進口;輸入
We import a lot of cars from Japan. 我們從日本大量進口汽車。
15. invoice (n) 發票;發貨清單
For every order, you will need to fill out an invoice and staple it to the receipt. 對於每一項訂貨,你都必須填寫發貨單,並把它釘在收據上。
16. quote (v) 報價
They quoted a very reasonable price for the new car. 他們新車的報價非常的合理。
17. tariff (n) 關稅
The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars. 政府打算降低進口汽車的關稅。
18. receipt (n) 收據;收條
I paid the bill but he neglected to give me a receipt. 我付了帳單,但他忘了給我收據。
*注意receipt的發音,字母裡面的 ”p” 不發音唷!
19. voucher (n) 保證人
The money was lent without any voucher.錢就這樣沒有任何擔保就借出了。
20. dealer (n) 商人;業者
Mr. Brown is a dealer in furniture.布朗先生是個傢俱商。
21. due (a) 到期的
The bank loan is due this month.銀行貸款本月到期。
22. inventory (n) 清單;存貨;詳細目錄
Before leaving, he made an inventory of everything that was to stay.在離開之前,他詳細列出要留下來的東西。
23. patent (n) 專利;專利權
Did you take out a patent on your design? 你是否取得一項設計的專利?
24. trademark (n) 註冊商標
Products bearing famous trademarks sell well.標有名牌商標的產品暢銷。
25. amendment (n) 修正
Your plan needs some amendment.你的計劃需要作些修正。
26. negotiation (n) 談判;協商
Peace negotiations are still going on.和談仍在進行。
27. fiscal (a) 財政的;會計的
The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 美國政府會計年度法定為九月三十日結束。
28. capacity (n) 容量;能力
The theater has a seating capacity of 800. 這個劇場可容納八百名觀眾。
29. component (n) 成分;零件
A computer consists of thousands of components.電腦由成千上萬個部件組成。
30. consist of 由..構成
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氫和氧組成。