Test 10


1.Men often wait longer to get help for medical problems than women, and         , women live about six years longer than men.
(A) instead of
(B) constantly
(C) consequently
(D) because

2.           she manages three companies, Sara still has time to coach her son’s soccer team.
(A) Because of
(B) Weather
(C) Often
(D) Although

3.Tom played basketball in college and          active ever since.
(A) have extremely been
(B) has been extremely
(C) will be extremely
(D) should extremely be

4.The guests at  my fantasy  dinner party          Abraham Lincoln, Marco Polo, St. Peter, and Socrates.
(A) will be included
(B) should have invited
(C) would include
(D) are including

5.When I             your  friend  Jamie this Sunday,  I  will certainly give him your message.
(A) have seen
(B) will see
(C) see
(D) sees

6.All  of  the  international  dignitaries  attending the conference to                  bring a souvenir from their country.
(A) has asked
(B) asking
(C) were asked
(D) was asking

7.My grandmother  has  been going  to a  better dentist,   so this the problems she is having                with her dentures.
(A) won’t eliminate
(B) will be elimination
(C) should have been eliminated
(D) should help eliminate

8.After  my  Aunt  Sheila  turned 65, she          to  celebrate  life more by going to the ballet and the opera.
(A) decided
(B) will decide
(C) have decided
(D) will be deciding

9.Our  new  firm             for  a  credible,  aggressive  individual  with great communication skills to fill this position.
(A) have looked
(B) are looking
(C) is looking
(D) look

10. I didn’t know           of my hair he was going to cut.
(B)how small
(C)how many
(D)how much

11. If you want to do well on the exam, you             on the directions that the professor gives and take exact notes.
(A) will have concentrated
(B) have to concentrate
(C) will be concentrated
(D) will be concentrating

12.            the  heavy  pollution,  the  city  officials  have  decided to cancel school for the day.
(A) Prior
(B) By means of
(C) Due to
(D) Though

13. Unless there is a blizzard tonight,  the snow       deep enough for the skiing competition tomorrow.
(A) won’t be
(B) won’t have
(C) wouldn’t have had
(D) isn’t

14. Terry’s mother kept telling him that         in the street is dangerous, but he would not listen..
(A) played
(B) will play
(C) playing
(D) been playing

15. When you leave, make certain all the windows and doors         .
(A) will close
(B) should have bben closed
(C) are closed
(D) is closed

16. He wouldn’t even think  of wearing         clothes; they make him look so old!
(A) same
(B) despite
(C) such
(D) that

17. After the performance of Othello,  the audience         to their feet and gave a thunderous standing ovation.
(A) have rose
(B) rose
(C) risen
(D) rising

18.         arose among all of the students as to why the teacher was fired.
(A) Suspicious
(B) Suspect
(C) Suspicion
(D) Suspecting

19. When Jessica’s brother hit her with a stick,   she              cried out for her mother.
(A) quick
(B) immediate
(C) instantaneous
(D) immediately

20. Michael Jordan made  the most           three-pointer at the sound  of the buzzer and won the championship for his team.
(A) humdrum
(B) unpretentious
(C) ridiculous
(D) spectacular

21. Our dog Bubbles just gave birth to six black-and-white puppies but we can’t get close to see them because she is                         of them.
(A) very private
(B) very protective
(C) too professional
(D) too precise

22. The  advertisement  for  Super Suds detergent             that  the sale  has increased by 25% in the first quarter.
(A) have been so successful
(B) had been so successful
(C) has been so successful
(D) will be so successful

23. Tom Jones, who             around the world, will come to Asia next month.
(A) will be touring
(B) have toured
(C) had been touring
(D) has been touring

24. That sailing ship has just taken a sharp turn and  it looks          it were going to turn over.
(A) as through
(B) although
(C) as though
(D) as thorough as

25. My airline reservations have been changed so many times that I am totally                     as to when I need to be at the airport.
(A) confident
(B) bewildered
(C) confusing
(D) complicated

26. Our boss taking everyone to the ballet tonight, and I need to make sure my new dress   for the occasion.
(A) has been cleaned
(B) should have been cleaned
(C) is being cleaned
(D) has been cleaning

27. Lucinda felt that she wasn’t sharp enough         as businesswoman.
(A) for being
(B) to being
(C) to be
(D) as to be

28. After all the late night studying, Janet  was too       to stay awake for her last exam.
(A) excited
(B) exhausted
(C) exhumed
(D) exhilarated

29. The  instructions on how  to  use the  new machine            that nobody seemed to be able to understand.
(A) were very simplistic
(B) was very confused
(C) were so confusing
(D) was so simplistic

30. Our  country  hasn’t seen an           problem  for  years  because of the strong economy.
(A) unemployed
(B) unemployment
(C) unemployer
(D) unemploying

31. This music group’s popularity has         over the past five years.
(A) growing
(B) grown
(C) been grown
(D) grew

32. The professor gave us          different solutions to this science question.
(A) as many
(B) few
(C) a few
(D) much

33. Many of the fads of the 1970’s          as today’s latest fashion.
(A) are being revived
(B) is revised
(C) are revoked
(D) is being reviled

34. Sally doesn’t like that pair of shoes because they are too           .
(A) loosen
(B) lose
(C) loose
(D) loss

35. My mother always prepared each course of the meal very        .
(A) careful
(B) careless
(C) carefully
(D) caring

36. Our car trunk           with suitcases and we could hardly make room for anything else.
(A) went cramming
(B) was crammed
(C) is cramming
(D) was been crammed

37. Sally  me  use  her  car  to  drive  to  the grocery store          buy some snacks for the party this weekend.
(A) due to
(B) because
(C) instead of
(D) in order to

38. “The titanic” was such a popular movie that it seemed to          the whole world.
(A) almost keep
(B) practically shout
(C) literally sweep
(D) somewhat keep

39. Sally found a rare kind of fossil         down this path.
(A) furthest
(B) farther
(C) farer
(D) more far

40. He  put  the history books          the  dictionaries  and other reference book on the shelf.
(A) beside
(B) next
(C) besides
(D) adjacent






1.      C

2      D

3      B

4      C

5        C

6      C

7      D

8      A

9      C

10      D

11    B

12    C

13    A

14    C

15      C

16    C

17    B

18    C

19    D

20      D

21    B

22    C

23    D

24    C

25      B

26    A

27    C

28    B

29    C

30      B

31    B

32    C

33    A

34    C

35      C

36    B

37    D

38    C

39    B

40      A



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