(1) adjacent : 隔壁
聯想: 音似『a Jason』。一位叫Jason的老外住我『隔壁』。
(2) franchise : 加盟權
聯想: 音似 『French Fries』。要賣薯條就要和麥當勞買『加盟權』。
(3) aisle (s不發音) : 走道
聯想: 音似『唉呦』。搭飛機時,坐『走道』位子的常被經過的人踩到腳,於是慘叫「唉呦」。
(4) invoice : 發票
聯想: 音似『in-voice』。會躲在家裡小小聲地說,很可能是中了『發票』頭獎。
(1) 『cur』表示: 跑
Ex: courier 快遞人員 excursion 員工旅遊 incur 招致 currency 匯率
(2) 『mit』表示: 送
Ex: admit 允許入場 permit 許可 emit 排放 remit 匯款 submit 呈交
主管 head / manager / supervisor / chief / executive / director / superior
下屬 subordinate / inferior
同事 co-worker / colleague / associate
單字 |
詞性 |
同義字 |
例句 |
consider |
v. |
think |
I’m considering doing it again. |
considerate |
adj. |
thoughtful |
He’s considerate of everyone. |
considerable |
adj. |
great |
He made a considerable sum of money. |
considerably |
adv. |
a lot |
It's considerably hotter today. |
consideration |
n. |
thought |
Thank you for your consideration. |
considering |
prep. |
in view of |
Considering the tight budget, I can’t go. |
單字 |
詞性 |
同義字 |
例句 |
asset |
n. |
property |
She’s a big asset to the company. |
assess |
v. |
judge |
The committee will assess how we can improve. |
assent |
v. |
agree |
I won’t assent to his proposal. |
access |
n. |
entry |
The intern doesn’t have access to this computer. |
accent |
n. |
dialect |
She spoke English with a Korean accent. |
excess |
adj. |
extra |
I work out every day to get rid of excess weight. |
MRT (捷運)
我們firm新來的foreign colleague訴說著他難忘的experience.....
上個月他搭捷運時,先到information 買token, 順便inquire哪有ATM可以withdraw money。之後他proceed to the platform, 為了要keep in good shape,他不搭elevator 或 escalator,毫不hesitate走stairs。一到了月台,車子正在approach,他一邊line up, 一邊看牆上appealing 的advertisement。因為正值peak hour,上車後發現,except 一些priority seats,全部的seats都被occupy了, 只好先站著,不時hold on the handrail或 lean on the door。 看了看 route map, destination 還很遠,突然覺得starving, 但看到sign 寫著:「No food or beverages. Violators will be fined up to NT$500」, 只好忍著飢餓。不知道是不是餓過頭了, 突然聽到 fire alarm go off, 接著透過announcement, conductor 說 「don’t panic」, 現在有emergency, 請passenger 馬上 evacuate。 最後經過一次thorough inspection 後, 還好只是個false alarm。到站了,聽見「thank you for your patronage」, 讓他終於relieve!
(1) outstanding 未償清的(債)
(2) plant 工廠
(3) policy保單
(4) minutes會議紀錄
(5) story樓層
(1) -mark
trademark 商標 / landmark 地標 / bookmark 書籤 / postmark 郵戳 / benchmark 基準
(2) -line
headline 頭條 / outline 大綱 / guideline 指導方針 / skyline 天際 /deadline 截止日 / airline 航空公司 / streamline 簡化 / hotline 諮詢電話
(3) -over-
oversee 監督 / overlook俯瞰 / overall 全面的 / overtime 加班費 / overdue 過期的 / overestimate 高估 / overseas 海外的 / overcome 克服 / over-the-counter 成藥 / overnight delivery 隔天送達
(4) 各部門英文名稱
Sales Department 業務部
Marketing Department 行銷部
Finance / Accounting Department 財務部
Customer Service Department 客服部
Maintenance Department 維修部
Human Resources (HR) / Personnel Department 人力資源(人事)部
Research and Development Department (R&D) 研發部
Information Technology Department (IT) 資訊部