



Yet here we are, with globalisation commencing some sort of a retreat and with the panoply of western institutions built during the past 70 years to keep the peace and facilitate openness — the World Trade Organisation, the EU, Nato, the UN in all its forms — under attack. When times feel hard, blaming foreigners, those rapacious powers of globalisation, is naturally tempting. Where this will lead, we cannot know. But to make it likelier to lead to better times rather than worse ones, it is as well to diagnose our ailments properly.


That is why, in good Orwellian manner, the short word is preferable to the long one. But it mustn’t be left on its own. For although throughout the history of economic and social development openness has been a necessary virtue, it has not been a sufficient one. In practice, it has needed some contemporary interpretation of another word alongside it: equality.


The virtue of openness is that it brings change in the form of better ideas, better ways of doing things, better sources of this good or that service. As the science writer (and now Conservative member of the House of Lords) Matt Ridley memorably put it in his 2010 book The Rational Optimist, progress and prosperity arrive “when ideas have sex”. In an age obsessed by Uber, this is known as “disruption”, but there is nothing new about it at all.

開放的優點是,它可以帶來各種變化:更優秀的思想、更佳的做事方式、更好的商品或服務。科普作家(現為上議院保守黨成員)馬特?里德利(Matt Ridley)在自己2010年的著作《理性樂觀派》(The Rational Optimist)中寫道,“當不同的思想'交配'時”,就會出現進步和繁榮。在一個被優步(Uber)困擾的時代,這被稱為“顛覆”,但這根本不是什麼新鮮事。

The trouble with change is indeed that it brings disruption, from which some people feel like winners and others feel like losers. For that reason, the societies that have absorbed and even embraced change most successfully have been those that gave a wide group of citizens some sort of a voice about what was going on, and about what collective efforts might be needed to deal with its consequences.


We now call this democracy, as the equality of political rights has been extended to entire adult populations, but the same principle applied beforehand. Open societies such as 18th-century Britain and the Netherlands, which had relatively fluid elites and which traded ideas widely, prospered more than did closed ones. The secret to evolutionary success over the longer term has been the balancing of that openness with forms of equality that help to build social trust and provide reassurance.


So why has this gone wrong? The first answer is that it frequently goes wrong. The real question is whether stumbling societies can get on their feet again; whether they retain the power to evolve while rebuilding social trust. In 1975 the Trilateral Commission, a private body dedicated to dialogue between America, western Europe and Japan, published a report entitled “The Crisis of Democracy”. That report quoted Willy Brandt as having said, just before he stepped down as West Germany’s chancellor in 1974 that: “Western Europe has only 20 or 30 more years of democracy left in it; after that it will slide, engineless and rudderless, under the surrounding sea of dictatorship, and whether the dictation comes from a politburo or junta will not make that much difference.”

那麼,為什麼出了問題?第一種回答是,出問題是很常見的。真正的問題是,跌倒的社會是否還能站起來;它們能否還保持著一邊重建社會信任、一邊演進的能力。 1975年,致力於在美國、西歐、日本之間推動對話的民間組織——三邊委員會(Trilateral Commission)發布了一份名為《民主的危機》(The Crisis of Democracy)的報告。報告援引維利‧勃蘭特(Willy Brandt)在1974年辭去西德總理前不久說的話:“西歐民主只剩二三十年的時間;在那之後,他將衰落,失去動力,失去方向,陷入獨裁統治汪洋大海的包圍,無論是共產黨政治局的獨裁統治、還是軍政府的獨裁統治,都不會有太大區別。

Not a great prediction, given that in the same period Greece, Portugal and Spain all replaced dictators with democracies, but Brandt’s mind was no doubt swayed by the terrorism and disorder being felt in several European countries, by the discovery of an East German spy in his own office, and the economic troubles all western countries were then mired in thanks to the 1973 oil shock.


The second answer, however, is that we’ve messed things up, again. We did so most spectacularly, and potentially fatefully, with the 2008 financial crisis, which we call global but was really American and European. That crisis reflected serious policy errors, of course, but also the excessive, because unequal, political power wielded by the financial industry. That is almost a decade ago now, but the effects live on, in household incomes that are no higher, and often lower, than in 2007. And, crucially, it lives on in the sense that the unequal grip of bankers and other oligarchs has been left largely unchanged.


Plenty of today’s ailments can be traced back to long before 2008, as technology disrupted labour markets, say, and demography raised the burdens on public finances of healthcare and pensions. But what 2008 did was to shake people’s faith in the whole system. It weakened or in some cases destroyed their belief that evolutionary solutions would eventually be found.


The sense of equality has been badly damaged, not just in terms of incomes but of political voice. Openness to fully free flows of capital has been shown to be not just dangerous to economies but also liable to corrupt democracies. Social trust has been eroded.


What Trump has done, as Lenin did a century ago, has been to sense the political winds and to sail into power thanks to their strength. Populists such as him and Le Pen get many things right: they should not be ignored. It is their solutions that are dangerous, because they are liable to close societies, to lead to fewer ideas having sex, and to damage the vital ability of democracies to evolve.


Now, it is up to all those democracies to show that, like Brandt 40 years ago, the declinists are wrong. To do so, they will need to restore the harmony between openness and equality. It can be done. The question is whether it will be done.


Bill Emmott will be speaking at the FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival on Saturday April 1 about ‘The Fate of the West’, published by Economist Books in April (UK) and May (US)

比爾‧艾默特(Bill Emmott)的新書《西方的命運》(The Fate of the West)將由Economist Books於今年4月在英國出版,5月在美國出版。




 demography n. 人口統計學
 diagnose v. 判斷,診斷(疾病)
 facilitate vt. 幫助,使 ... 容易,促進
 visible adj. 可見的,看得見的 n. 可見物
 issue n. 發行物,期刊號,爭論點 
 administration n. 行政,管理,行政部門
 glance v. 一瞥,掃視,匆匆一看,反光,閃爍,掠過
 insecurity n. 不安全;不牢靠;無把握;心神不定
 explanation n. 解釋,說明
 ultimate n. 終極,根本,精華


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