旅遊英語-Checking in at the Airport 辦理乘機手續.jpg

Key Sentences(重點句子)


1. Ticket,please . A window or aisle seat,sir .



2. I'd like a seat in the smoking section .



3. Put your bags on the scale .



4. What's the weight limit?



5. May I carry this satchel?



6. Your boarding pass,sir .



7. Have a good flight,sir .



8. I have two pieces of baggage to check in .



9. Do you have any hand baggage?



10. These are your baggage checks .



11. Which would you like to have,aisle seats or windows eats .



12. We'd like to have one window seat definitely,in then on smoking section .



13. Here are your boarding passes .



旅遊英語-Checking in at the Airport 辦理乘機手續-on smoking section.gif


Dialogue A ( 對話 A)


(A . C . :Airline Clerk)

( A. C . :航空公司職員)

A . C . :Ticket,please . A window or aisle seat,sir?

(A.C.:請拿出門票。 先生,一個窗戶還是通道?)

Visitor: A window seat,please . Also,I'd like a seat in the smoking section .

(訪客:請坐一個窗戶座位。 另外,我想在吸煙區一個座位。)

A . C . :Please put your bags on the scale .

( A.C. : 請把你的行李放在秤上。)

Visitor: What's the weight limit?



A . C . :Forty - four pounds .


Visitor: I hope my bags aren't overweight .


A . C . :No,you're O . K . .

(A.C. :不,你是O.K.。)

Visitor: May I carry this satchel?


A . C . :Yes,sir . But,please attach this claim tag .

(A.C. :是的先生 。 但是,請附上此聲明標籤。)

Visitor: All right .


A . C . :Your boarding pass,sir .

(A.C. : 你的登機牌,先生。)

Visitor: What gate?


A . C . :Gate twelve .

(A.C. : 門十二。)

Visitor: Thanks .


A . C . :Have a good flight,sir .

(A.C. : 先生,祝你有個好的飛行經驗。)




Dialogue B (對話 B)


Dancy:I have two pieces of baggage to check in .


Agent: Fine . Just a minute, please . Your baggage is a little bit overweight . It's two kilos .

(代理:好。只需一分鐘,你的行李有點超重。 這是兩公斤。)

Dancy:May I take something out of it?There's an over coat I can carry by hand .


Agent: As you like . Do you have any hand baggage?

(代理:隨你方便。 你有手提行李嗎?)

Dancy:I don't have any . But my wife has a handbag .

(Dancy:我沒有。 但我的妻子有一個手提包。)

Agent:That's O . K . . These are your baggage checks . Which would you like to have, aisle seats or window seats?You don't smoke, do you?

(代理人:沒問題。 這些是您的行李支票。 你想要哪個,走道座位或窗戶座位?你抽煙嗎?)


Dancy:We'd like to have one window seat definitely, in thenon smoking section .



Agent:O . K . . Here are your boarding passes . Please go and have a seat in the satellite hall .

(代理人:好。 這是你的登機牌。 請去在衛星大廳一個座位。)

旅遊英語-Checking in at the Airport 辦理乘機手續-baggage.jpg



scale n .秤盤;磅秤

satchel n . (皮或帆布的)書包;小提包

baggage n .行李

aisle n .通道,走廊

nonsmoking section 不抽煙區

satellite hall 衛星廳



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