假設語氣:我們將假設語氣的句型分成兩部分,其中帶有if的子句稱之為條件句,另一為結果句,在進入文法分析之前大家要先有一個邏輯的觀念,就是條件句的時態必早於結果句的時態,我們以此記號來表現 if 條件句 > 結果句
(1) If + 現在式, will + 動詞原型 (現在式>will)
(2) If + 過去式, would + 動詞原型 (過去式>動詞原型)
(3) If + had + 過去分詞, would + have + 過去分詞 (had>have)
Ex 1: If you ______ harder, you would have passed the exam.
(A) studied (B) had studied (C) have studied (D) would study
說明:結果句中的時態為would have +過去分詞,因此條件句中之時態應為had + 過去分詞,故本題答案為(B)。
Ex 2: we will underestimate our expenses if we ______ overhead.
(A) neglect (B) would neglect (C) neglected (D) will neglect
Ex 3: If the pension policy ______ approved, there might have been a strike.
(A) is not (B) was not (C) had not (D) had not been
說明:結果句中的時態為would have +過去分詞,因此條件句中之時態應為had + 過去分詞,故本題答案為(C)。
Ex 4: We could solve this problem if we ______ to use another software.
(A) try (B) have tried (C) tried (D) would try
說明:結果句中的時態為could + 動詞原型,因此條件句中之時態應為過去式,故本題答案為(C)。
Ex 5: If sales taxes go up again, the economic situation ______ from bad to worse.
(A) will go (B) would go (C) goes (D) is going

Ex 1: The contractor had the equipment ______ last night.
(A) shipped (B) shipping (C) was shipped (D) ships
說明:使役動詞之規則相當簡單,主要在於使役動詞之受詞與後方動詞主被動關係之判斷,若該受詞與動作間的關係為主動,則動作以原型動詞表示;若該受詞與動作間的關係為被動,則動作以過去分詞表示;以本題為例,在判讀出had在本句中之用法為使役動詞後,我們檢查the equipment (had的受詞)與ship(此處為動詞;運輸之意)的主被動關係,故本題答案為(A)。
(1) 常見使役動詞除have以外,let、make、get亦為常見使役動詞。
(2) have本身有四個主要用法,需提醒同學在讀題特別注意,分別為:完成式助動詞、使役動詞、一般動詞(吃、喝)、一般動詞(有),其意思可由前後句判讀出來。
Ex 2: I let my secretary ______ the meeting schedule for me.
(A) to arrange (B) arranging (C) arrange (D) arranges
說明:使役動詞let的使用,判斷my secretary與arrange之主被動關係,答案為(C)。
Ex 3: According to the new labor law, the company will not make its employees ______ overtime.
(A) worked (B) to work (C) working (D) work

Ex 1: Let me know when you finish ______ this project.
(A) typing (B) typed (C) to type (D) type
說明:常見動詞後方接動名詞:mind, enjoy, quit, finish, keep, postpone, admit, consider, practice……etc. 本題答案為(A)
Ex 2: Mr. Takana tried his best ______ his assignment on time.
(A) completed (B) completing (C) completion (D) to complete
說明:常見動詞後方接不定詞:try, want, need, plan, hope, agree, seem, intend, refuse, afford, ask, decide,……etc. 本題答案為(D)
→因後方接動名詞或不定詞時解釋不同,注意stop, remember與forget的用法。