

1. document (n) 文件;證件

She carefully filed all the documents.她將全部文件仔細地整理歸檔。

2. extension (n) 電話的分機

For further information, please call 2356-8975, extension 125.如需進一步洽詢,請播2356-8975,分機125。

* extension 大家都知道是「電話分機」的意思,但是還有另外幾個意思,您不可不知唷!

extension (n) 伸展;伸長;擴大;延長
The extension of our foreign trade擴大我們的對外貿易。
We had hoped for the extension of the deadline to the end of the week.我們曾希望把最後期限延至週末。



extend (v) 延長;延伸;擴展 Can't you extend your visit for a few days?你們訪問的時間不能延長幾天嗎?
extended (a) 延長的;擴展的;廣大廣泛的 → extended family 大家庭(尤指三代以上同堂者)

3. operator (n) 接線生;總機

If you know the extension of the party you wish to reach, dial it now orwait on the line for operator assistance.如果您知道分機號碼請直播,或是稍後由總機為您服務。

4. printed matter (n) 印刷品

Please check all the letters with printed matter on them as we can geta better rate for them at the post office.請把註明印刷品的信件找出來,因為我們可以在郵局用比較低的郵資寄送。


(1) matter (n) 問題;事情;事件 It was a matter of life and death for them.這事對他們來說是生死攸關。
(2) matter (n) 毛病;麻煩 There's something the matter with this car.這輛汽車有點毛病。
(3) matter 當作「動詞」用時,意思是「關係;要緊」(常用於否定和疑問句)All these things do not matter now.所有這一切現在都無關緊要了。


5. receptionist (n) 接待員

He told the receptionist to hold all the calls until after the meeting.他交代接待員在會議結束之前不接任何電話。

6. xerox  (v) 影印

You don’t need to copy the entire book by hand;just xerox it.你不需要用手抄寫整本書,只要用影印的就好啦!

7. allocate (v) 為了某種用途 撥出;分配;配置

It would be best if we could take the extra funds and allocate them evenlyamong all the different divisions.如果我們可以把這些額外的資金平均分配給不同部門那就在好不過了。


8. applicant (n) 申請人 

There were five applicants for the position. 有五人申請那個職務。 

*除了applicant & applicant 之外,它們還有另一個字是相關聯的,那就是apply (v) 申請;(用法是apply for something 申請…)請看下列例句: He has applied for a post in England. 他已申請在英國任職。
apply 還有另一個意思,就是「敷上;塗上」的意思;(用法跟上述不同,後面 的介係詞要加to; apply to something..抹上.塗上..東西) The nurse applied the ointment to the wound. 護士把藥膏敷到傷口上。

9. application (n) 申請書 

I made an application for a loan. 我申請一筆貸款。

10. authority (n) 官方;當局 

The authorities did not interfere with us. 當局不干涉我們。

*看到了嗎!「有關當局」 的英文叫做:the authorities. 

authorize (v) 授權;委任;批准;許可 A senior member of the committee was authorized to act for the chairman during his absence. 主席不在時,授權委員會中的一位資深委員代理他的職務。

11. bonus (n) 紅利;額外津貼;獎金

The workers are expecting a large Christmas bonus. 工人們期待著在耶誕節得到一大筆獎金。

*在這裡大家可以多學另外一個有關bonus的用法! 那就是「年終獎金」的英文叫做 year-end bonus 或是 annual bonus 要記起來唷! 

12. capability (n) 能力;才能 

He has extraordinary capability to solve any problem. 他有非凡的才能可以解決任何問題。

13. evaluation  (n) 評估;估價


I attempted an honest evaluation of my own life. 我試圖如實地評價我自己的一生。

evaluate (v) 估..的價

13. interview (n) 面談;面試

Don't be late for your interview, or you won't get the job. 面試不要遲到,否則你就得不到工作了。

14. novice (n) 新手;菜鳥

I'm a novice at bridge. 我是個橋牌新手。

15. pension (n) 養老金;退休金 

She lived on a small pension. 她以一點退休金為生。

16.personnel (n) 全體人員;人事部門;員工 (總稱)

All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. 公司所有員工都有資格參加這項退休計劃。

* personnel這個字在商業英文上非常的實用,在TOEIC的考試能見度更是高達 80%,所以不補充一些東西,真的是會對不起大家押! 

Finance Dept. 財務部

Accounting Dept. 會計部

Marketing and Sales 市場與銷售

Planning Dept. 企劃室

Administration 行政部 (簡稱 Admin.)

Legal Dept. 法務部

General Affairs Dept. 總務部

Purchasing Dept. 採購部 

Human Resources Dept. 人力資源部 (簡稱 HR)

Public Relations Dept. 公關部 (簡稱 PR)

Engineering Dept. 工程部

Production Dept. 製造部

Quality Control Dept. 品管部

Research & Development Dept. 研發部 (簡稱 R&D) 

Headquarter 總公司,簡稱 HQ

Head Office 總公司

Branch Office 分公司

Company 公司

Corporation 公司

Firm 公司:通常Law Firm 律師事務所、Accounting Firm 會計師事務 所、consulting Firm 顧問公司會用Firm。

17. resign (v) 辭職 

The general resigned his commission. 將軍辭去了他的職務。

*這裡要注意的是:「辭職 resign 」和「解雇 fire 」是不一樣的。例如:主動離開公司叫做resign (自動提出辭呈);被動離開公司叫做fire (被炒魷魚),一定要了解不同的用法,不單單只是為了考試而已唷! 

18. retire (v) 退休 

Mr. Waller retired last month and now lives at his ease. 韋勒先生上個月退休了,現在過著悠閒的生活。

ease (n) 輕鬆;不費力;容易;悠閒;舒適 Their team won the game with ease. 他們隊輕鬆地贏了那場比賽。

ease (v) 減輕;緩和 The aspirin eased his headache. 阿斯匹靈減輕了他的頭痛。 
at ease (v) 安心;自在 The dentist soon put the small girl at ease. 牙醫很快使小女孩的情緒放鬆了。

19. substitute (n) 代理人;替代品

Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar? 糖精是糖的良好替代品嗎?

20. accrue (v) 累積;增加 

Interest accrues on a daily basis. 按日生息。 

21. acute (a) 激烈的;劇烈的;嚴重的;急性的


She complained of acute pains in her chest. 她自訴胸部劇痛

It is urgent that the acute problem of air pollution in the city be solved. 該城市空氣污染這一嚴重問題急須解決。 

22. chronic (n)慢性的;長期的 

She's developed a chronic cough. 她的咳嗽已成了一種慢性病。 

23. proposition (n) 提案;建議;計畫 

That is a very attractive proposition, but he’s still hesitant about investing anything. 這是一個很吸引人的計畫,但是他還是不敢輕易投資。

24. proposal (n)提案;提議;求婚

There is controversy about a proposal to build a nuclear power station. 對於建議中的建設核電站一事存有爭議。

She has had a proposal. 已經有人向她求婚了。

25. propose (v) 建議;提議;求婚;打算

It was proposed we go to the station to meet our guests. 有人建議我們去車站接客人。

He proposed building a bridge across this river. 他建議在這條河上搭一座橋。

He proposed a get-together this weekend. 他建議本週末聚會。

Have you proposed to Ann? 你向安妮求婚了嗎? They propose to begin tonight. 他們打算今晚開始。

*propose + to 上述介紹中,一共有兩種用法:
(1)propose to someone 向某人求婚 Have you proposed to Ann? 
(2)propose to do something 打算要做某件事情 They propose to begin tonight. 

26.rival (n) 競爭對手;競爭者 

They are rivals for the same office. 他們是爭奪同一個職位的敵手。

27.opponent (n) 對手:反對者

He easily defeated his opponent in the election. 選舉中他輕易地擊敗了對手。

28. subsidiary  (n) 子公司

The subsidiary is in France but the parent company is in America. 子公司在法國,但母公司在美國。

*注意到了嗎?母公司的英文叫做 parent company

29. agenda (n) 議程

According to today’s agenda, we are supposed to talk about the new project. 根據今日的議程,我們應該討論那項新企劃案。

30. supposed to 可以;應該

You're not supposed to smoke in here. 你不可以在這兒抽煙。 

You are supposed to be here. 你應該要在這裡的。


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